
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

apa khabar org pahang

>"I'm competitive with myself. I always try to push past my own borders"
- Tyra Banks

i always consider myself competitive
dulu la..
sekarang ni im more laid back, i guess
maybe because the nature of my job doesnt require me to 'shine' too much, we'r more like a team, we complement/back up each other (ecewahh.. ju, dengar tu!) if u jump, i give you the floaties haha. there;s no need to outdo anybody because we have very clear path to follow - you do your job, i do mine. i cover for you, you help me with mine, right ju?
so there is no real stage to contest. of course we still see each other as the benchmark, if one manage to achieve, the other should atleast at the same pace

but in workplace overall, mmg very highly competitive la
memasing berlumba2 nk dpatkan kasihsayang CikPuan Besar yg dah dapat dato' tu
since i dun directly work under her, hardly kena naik mengadap pun, so let my big bos handle that huh? hehe

so, then,
with who/what should i compete?
i used to set my own standard in live, discreetly. tak payah la nk broadcast satu donia ye dak?
contohnya,i must score less than 2 second playing minesweeper yg kotak kecik punya.
utk expert level, my current record is..err 50+ kot tah dah lama tak main
malas nk main sebab nnt takleh nk stop
lepas tu tido mlm, tgh jln pun otak dok terbayang2

org kata kita kena compete dgn diri sendiri supaya kita menjadi lebih maju dan lebih baik dari semlm
betul ke?
sebab kalau tak compete, mcmana nk ukur perubahan?
kalau nk bergerak, mesti ada stating point, dari mana hendak kemana?
singgah di johor beli berangann..
kami ucapkan selamatlah datang
apa yg kurang dicaci jangan..
melenggang,, melenggang si tari lenggang
kalau baik hati org pun sayangg..

aik sampai ke pahang dah dek nonn??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ya... btol!
- jiran sebelah