
Thursday, May 28, 2009

today? tomorrow? its tonite laa!!

just now i kena gelak for free
i penned down some comment on my neighbour's blogging about the songs she grew up with, with suggestion to add the NKOTB (haa sapa terer teka nama penuh depa ni?)
but i accidentally put the new boys, instead on new kids haha
sama ja cam encik Ana, must la associate that tini weeny confusions with my deeply-hidden passion kat si tomok tu kan?
then, i tetiba teringat one of their famous song, but couldnt quite remember the tajuk, all i know is it starts with T,
another round of free gelak by my keliq

tomorrow supposedly our anniversary
we both planned to take the day off, so its gonna be long weekend
but still no particular plan yet.
i decide, alang2 dah cuti tu, might take aisyah see her orthoptic, dah le ku udah postponed for like, err 3 bulan kot.
that's all, no plan for the rest of the weekend.

saja je, nk tgk kot2 la ada org nk buat seprais ke apa kann.. i dont want le to spoil 'the' plan.
but, the tree question of the millenium : ada ke pon?? hmm..

so semlm bila org itu tanya what's the plan, ku diam aje. dlm ati dok pikir kalau kau ckp nk pi mancing ke, layan motor ke, atau apa2 je rancangan yg tak melibatkan aku, nk aje aku pesan suruh pakai bulletproof jeket ke life jeket ke armour bodysuit .. apa2 je la yg boleh menyelamatkan nyawa. ingat aku senang2 amik cuti so that hang boleh berpoya2 sensorang?? kem salammm!

tp org itu kata nk pi serbis motor, so okaayy.. takpe.. pi lah.


Suki Cida said...

NKOTB? New kids on the 'belok'...kuikuikui... tak ingat dah lagu2 dia... mcm ingat2 lupa lagi its tonite tu...

should plan holiday la kalau gitu... cuti lama tu... tak pun romentik dinner mungkin? ahak! if liya dengan aisyah nak dengan auntie mak long, me ok je nak look after them for few hour,kan?

oh anyway happy anniversary eh... semoga terus berkekalan ;)

Che Ta said...

la la la la la tonight!

eh few hour je? tlg la jaga 2 hari terus haha

Mr.Ana said...

mau mandi sungai ka ini minggu?..hmm....
tonite?.....ada apa tonite?...

Che Ta said...

haiyooo tak romentik langsung nk mandi sungai berempat! hehe