
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My (Not-so-well) Riding Wish List

i've been riding pillion for almost 2 years now (in KL la beb, merendek kat kg takyah kira laa), including the 'time-off' after the minor insiden at Federal hiway last year (i was about 6w pregnat with aliya that time. alhamdulillah she's safe and sound till date) yupp, i banned myself from the backseat until maternity leave was over. then its when i started to resume my prime position on the much higher abg Nin.
of course travelling in KL's ever congested roads and hiways are never the same experience riding kat kg tokai. over there its considered a must for everyone to atleast know how to ride motorbike. i had a fren who rode to school on her own while in Std 6! yes, she is girl! moms hardly worry, or atleast they dun really show their concern when their school-going kids throts in motorbike to go to nearby shop, in fact lagi suruh ada laa!
i too, learn to ride at tender age of 12, opp 11 actually dah gatai nk bawa motor, pantang ada kunci mula la nk kick the start, press2 minyak vroom vrooom. rasa cam terer je
masuk drjah 6 baru lah ayah taught me to ride. it helps that i know how to bike, so balancing was not a problem. then i left for boarding school, so peluang melepas gian naik motor cuma time cuti kena hantar adik pi sekolah, amik mak balik kelas ngaji etc.. see, parents did actually trust me to carry my adik! cannot imejin myself letting aisyah n aliya on the bike themselves. naik kereta pun beria ku paksa duduk carseat bagai.
i went for my licence after spm (see merendek merata licenceless gituu..kelasss!) but failed. so survived on my L lesen for a while until one embarrassing incident right in the middle of town. hehe since then ilang stim nk bawa motor sendiri. then proceed for my driving lesson and found the joy of sitting comfortably in the car and.. bye bye 2-wheelers..
tapi siapa kita melawan takdir kan..eceh
i had to succumb to the pressure and challenges in life.. when family grow, there's more need and others' interest that i had to take care of, more sacrifices to make..
aisyah was sent to my mother-inlaw daily. so we had to commute Damansara-S.Alam-KL-S.Alam-Damansara on daily basis. imagine we spent most of our treasured family time in the car alone! sebelum subuh lagi sudah kena keluar rumah to avoid the heavy traffic.. then only around 10 we can reach home. mmg terus tido je la.. pity lil' Aisyah juga kena kacau tido pagi2, time tido malam pun tak tentu..
when i was transfered to putrajaya, things get better, as it's less traffic, and hubby start to ride on motorbike to work.
then things lead to another until Tuan Besar showed his interest on superbike. yes every man love big bikes but i never know he actually siriesly interested. serious enough to actually consider buying one. see this entry
i was heavily pregnant with aliya by the time abg nin become part of our family, so no riding until the end of my maternity leave. in fact, TB tak penah ajak i naik punn.. kejam tak?
until Puan Besar ini merajuk baru la ala2 nak tanya 'eh u nak naik ke?' mestilah nak bang oiii!! ingat hg sorang je ke nk merasa?
i rode on his back since my first day resume office, kdg2 bila musim hujan, we'r back to KakJah (the old yamaha). since then, i started to familiarize myself riding with the bigger boys. baru tau mcm2 accessories nk kena apply, mahal2 lak tu.. adoiii
till now, i havent got any of them! leces la, not many choices here in KL/malaysia. kalau ada pun sakit jantung punya mahal. tak cantik satu hal..
dok cari kat internet pun had problem with shipping, lg pn takleh try, belek2, pegang, cium macam kat kedai, takde feel la. ye la fitting ni kat subjective, karang tak seswai satu hassle pulak nk return

so what do i need?

calon-calonnya adalahh...

1. riding boot.
kat kedai man ada cap B je. ku getik nk Diadora/puma buleh? hehe .

2. riding jacket
preferably mesh.. kl panas wooo giler nk pakai kulit. but apa2pun must be well-padded, nicely fitted to my odd-body shape, haa sapa nk jawab tu.. kena tempah sendiri la. local stock mostly cater to men je, baju pompuan pun cam takde beza je. mana buleh lagu tu kan, org pompuan memang mementingkan gaya.
i found this. mcm bes je kan? kan bang kan?

3. glove
biq Q: perlu kah? macam i nak ikut pi ride jejauh tu kan, takat 20min nk pi kerja glove pekebun dbkl tu pun ok apa?

what else eh.. emm lets see what about this:

4. fitness training
for my rear bumper la (specifically) hehe. i bet that'l be the best accessories Tuan Besar can ever put to his bike. so tayah la susah2 pasang muffler (pebende pun ku tatau), ekzos kimora ka sakura ka, stiker ka.. just sent me to pusat penjagaan badan, bygkan.. melentik je kat belakang tu.. hahaha
5. maybe bila aisyah dah besar sikit we'l need this
mcm comel je kan

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