
Monday, April 25, 2011

Asthma vs Bronchitis

umar udah discaj. tapi hopefully minggu ni mak akak dapat stay lama sikit, tolong jaga kan umar kat rumah. tak sampai hati nk hantar gi taska lagi. at least for now.
and for mummy, i'm stil recovering. tp nya hari ni dah kena masuk ofish. back to the files yg bertimbun sampai runtuh dan kat depan ni huhu.. with my mate cuti pulak and some reports are due..
takpe. biasa la keja kan. buat apa nk merungut. lagi pun keja ni yg yg bayar duit ospital umar yg beribu tu..

kebetulan pulak minggu lepas majalah kesihatan KPJ ada artikel pasal asma and bronkitis in children. written by some expert in child asthma, Dato' Dr Azizi from KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital. not much info, except he stressed that bronchitis and asthma is not the same. and its not a good thing to misdiagnose a bronchitis with asthma, and vice versa. with the current climate and whether change nowadays, more and more children are prone to catch bronchitis. since they both share almost the same traits - coughing, wheezing, mucous phlegm and all, its alwasy easy to mistakenly diagnosed as asthma. and he advised that we wait till at least the child is over 5 yr to confirm an asthmatic case.

in umar's case, the dr in charge, being sezaman dgn that dr azizi i guess, was very conservative, to him physio should be the last option. so apparently he tried on the medicine first, and see the progress. unfortunately Umar does not respond well to that. until he went for that heartbreaking and painful physio his lunge become clear enough for him to be discharged. if only the dr could prescribe it sooner, maybe ( maybe.. we dunno) we can leave earlier.. god knows how much that medication - antibiotics, salbutamol, pulmicort and all - went into his young body...

ok , i'l need to get more info on this matter.
being in hospital for a week is really not easy. eventhough i heard a little girl said to aisyah that day ' eh kita nk balik bilik hotel kita la!' hahah hotel la sangat kan!

syiok dok 'hotel' eh??


mama_QnR said...

this so reminded me of my experience bila rayyan masuk spital for the same reason...
memang heart wrenching kan during the physio?
nak2 bila bapaknya tokleh nak face and maknya la kena face it...
harap bertabah...

for us, both me and papa ada asthma history, so probability untuk turun ke anak2 adalah tinggi...
tapi alhamdulillah very jarangly the kids need to use the puff, except for rayyan, more prone, tapi not often..

apa2 pun take care ok mommy?

Che Ta said...

even tgk derang kena neb pun dah luluh jiwa, lagi la nk tgk kena suck huhu
btw my kids is highly possible to get asthma, their daddy's side ada history. esp umar kan premie, so we better take enough care to prevent it earlier.. but wat to do, selagi dok hantar nursery the risk is still very high..

CidaZam said...

mcm2 penyakit sekarang. My twin cozen tu pun bronkitis jugak... hahah kita dok cakap tak adaprogresskan? Rupanya for premature baby lain plak treatment dia. Lupa lak ku nak tanya pak cik dengan mak cik ku. Balik ari tu cerita dia cakap premature baby only depend on medication. Si rayyan tu dah sihat walafiat so cara diorg lain. ermmm rasanya mak mak kena rajin membaca la ye?