
Friday, June 25, 2010

tanpa mereka..

semlm tinggal kami berdua jek
it feels kinda weird
i tot i.m going to re'feel' perasaan masa berdua jek dulu2..
but nope its not happening.
rasa mcm eh what missing here?

i know
sooner or later we'l be both left alone
before i knew it, they'l soon be a big girl and leave us to start their own lives
we cant be with them forever
they'l start going to school trips
or maybe stay at boarding school
or at least, universiti dorms
and later, maybe.. will leave to live in their own place
and then.. will marry..
owhh owhhh...
i can only watch them from dear babies..

now i know camne perasaan mak2 aku
and why sinar selalu main iklan anak tak balik tgk mak kat kg tuu..

maybe ayah/abak pun sama cuma org lelaki ni biasalah mana nk bising2
nk tulis blog pun harusssssssssss....
hati di dalam hanya depa yg tau

to them parent
we'l always be their baby.. forever

hope i'l be able to spend more time with them
to treat them better
to be at their services at all times required or not - you know la parent kan
'ohh takpayah la..
tak payah susah2..
kami buleh buat, kami okayy..

but i know, deep inside they like it
they just dont want to 'burden' us, they thought.

ohh please, you are not!!!
its our duty and we'r happily do it for you
so please let us pamper you the way u ever did to us
we could never rivalled what you both have done, not even a pinch of it
so let us do whatever we can..

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