
Monday, January 04, 2010

kemaafan dendam yang terindahh..

saying sorry is not easy
at least, to me
i really have to brace myself to actually say 'im sorry' - complete dgn muka kesian tahap negatif tujuhbelas darjah selsius
so i really mean it if i did so
hence, it really pissed (?) saddened me, if people, or that person in the subject matter buat muka bengkek and say 'eleh.. senang la ko ckp sorii..'
sapa ckp SENANG????
all of us penah buat salah kan, and we had the nerve to admit it and sais sorri
tell me, is it THAT easy?
of kos, i can tell if people dun really meant it when they say sorry
they just says it to get it over with.. like a mere 'ok ok im sori! pueh ati?'
and im so in disgust kerana mereka-mereka ini lah yang meperlekehkan institusi kemaafan itu (eceh.. tetiba)
seolah olah ucapan maaf itu tiada membawa apa2 makna..

to which, i found that its easier to ask forgiveness from Allah SWT dari memohon maaf dari umat manusia..
susah nk cari manusia yg senang2 nk maafkan kita..
yg banyak,  manusia pendendam yg bila kita gi buat pengakuan terbuka dan minta maaf akan balas dgn ucapan berbunyi 'aku tak maafkan hang/halal sampai akhirat esok! biar padan muka hg!!"
amboii eksennnnnnn.. tak sedor ke diri.. mcm la hg tu maksum sgt kannn...

mana ada manusia biasa yg maksum.. lain la ko tu nabi..
Nabi pun ada gak terkucil.. kena gak 'sekolah' dgn Allah SWT sekali sekala. apatahlagi kita manusia akhir zaman ni.

but one thing i believe..
getting the forgiveness is not easy
one might forgive but they will never forget

and as i say
asking from God is easier
sebab siang2 lagi Allah tells us that nothing He likes more than His servants to repent and ask for His forgivenes...
and He says further ' ask from me.. and i will grant it'

but then again,
i believe that nothing comes easy
yes maybe you'l be forgiven, but its not free free willyy..
there'l be lots of things we;l have to 'endure'
all of those untuk menguji kesabaran
if we manage to go through, then, tandanya we qualify to be upgraded into the next level

so those still hanging out there
be strong!
collect your faith and pull yourself together..

1 comment:

Suki Cida said...

ermmm tah eh... very subjective la... terpulang jugak pada kesalahan sesorg... mcm kakak long, prefer tuk tidak terus sakit hati... maka ku jauhkan diri...sedangkan nabi maaf kan umat... kita bukan nabi... tengok pada kesalahan jugak... kalau luka mendalam, mulut je kata tak maaf, hati sentiasa terbuka tuk maafkan... hahah kasi gempaq je... konon marah... tuk ku lupakan apa org dah buat tak mungkin la... sentisa beringat je...