what has initially expected to be an intimate get-together eventually turned out as major family celebration. came friday we still had no plan whatsoever, but mak called, informed that she and everybody intend to join, siap sponsor cheesecake feveret menantu ini lagi hehe
disebabkan akak sebok dgn anak kecik sampai tak cukup tgn nk pegang henpon, makanya cik puan cida kita telah dilantik sebulat suara sbg jurugambar rasmi mlm tu
tengkiu mak, abak, alongs and the rest of adik2 for joining us on our big day
its fun, ahkak sangatlah terharuu you olsss.., nasib baik tak kena bagi speech, kalau tak mau banjir tasik s.alam mlm tu
after dinner sumer pakat ramai2 menyemakkan rumah mak hehe
to mak, abak and everbody,
terima kasih atas sokongan dan doa
we are still together because of you
*gambar ihsan dari ijat,
**cik puan cida: minta emel gambar buleh? hehe tak sempat nk bergigi biru hari tu
*** in case anyone wandering, yes we do have our own celebration berdua2an shj, itu sudah pastii hahaha
wow.. bestnyer..
happy belated anni, ye..
ahak! bergigi biru??? daku terpikir sejenak... now paham! ok no problem...akan menyusul...
thanks everyone too for the wishes
hope you all pun sama dipanjangkan jodoh, hope we still wake up next to the same person, everyday, 20 years later..
ape la kak long nie..xkan x taw..hakhak..BLUETOOTH..hehehe...happy belated anniversarry kak ta.. =)
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