tomorrow will mark 5th year of our union
also, this year is the fifteenth year since we pledged our love to each other, not the usual i like you, would u be my boifren/gelfren- kind of thing i must say hehe
sorry taknak citer our love story here, must la keep some secret kan.. its ours to share. kalau semua nk citer tak bes la kan Encik Ana kan!
i guess its time to stop and stare
(Hey i like this song very much, thank you!)
to look back at what we have become,
what we had gone through,
counting our blessing
and look forward into the future
with 2 princesses tagging along, we still stand proudly together
hands in hands
we've made it dear!
and i am ever so grateful to find you next to me when i wakes up
knowing that you'l always come back to me at the end of the day
rasa cam kejap je kan
caya tak dah limabelas tahunn.. huhu
macam baru semlm ada org kena gelak sebab tertonggeng dlm bas metro
baru kemarin kita jalan kaki ronda KL, bet now jln kaki pi shell depan tu pun dah semput eh hehe
ingat lagi masa-masa our nama manja adalah 'saya' and 'awak'
but stil
there's some mystery about each of us
things that we never quite understan about each other
like you said it, kawen 30 tahun pun belum tentu kita dapat kenal pasangan kita
mcm tu baru la thrill kan dear?
cant believe i actually agreed to marry this man!!
Dear Lord,
please keep us in this unity
let us be in love with each other, and to each other only
keep the flames burning, and never die is despair
instil the trust, strengthen our faith
and leave us not for we might stray out of the right path
protect us from the evil temptation and thoughts
bless us with enough rizq so that we dont ask except from You
Give us a soleh son to complete the family, and to take care of us, here in this world, and the world after
give us wisdom to teach (and tell) each other
give us patience and perseverence to stand each other (Please!)
give us the strength to overcome any hurdles that may comes
Aminn..Ya Rabbal 'Alamin
"..macam baru semlm ada org kena gelak sebab tertonggeng dlm bas metro.." hmm bukan tertonggeng time turun dari bas sri jaya ker?...
Yup, its has been 15th wonderful years i've spend with you my dearest....loving you more each day....hopefully forever....Thank You dear for being there for me when I needed you the most....Thanks for giving and taking care of our childrens....the two princeses and many more to come...hehehehe...insyaallah....
tadi takleh pakai Mr.Ana la plak..hmmm...
haa kantoi
sila share ye, kata cinta
ingat lagi ye wak? metro la, kan?
time nak naik la, sebab tgn penuh bawa softlan
erk....time turun balik dari subang parade....ngan ken n ti....
semoga berkekalan selamanya...again... happy anniversary to both of you....
eh masa nk balik laa..kan?
ke ada 2 kejadian? hmm
anywway thank you too, for your sweet wishes. love you more
tq. wishes for you too
amboi........ sweetnye.............
heppi ann. to u.
happy anniversary..lamanya 15 tahun..korang kenal since 1994?..bukan sekolah lagik ke time tu?
- aku yg keypochi-
congrats and alhamdulillah...
semoga berkekalan ke akhirnya..
eh, come to think of it cik dee pun kenal abe dah 15 yrs
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