its aisyah birthday 3 years ago
apparently at this time i was getting ready to see my gynae, without slighest idea that she decided to come out later that day..
at 1.29 pm iwas officially a proud mom to a crying out-loud baby girl
lil 'aisyah @4mth
she marked her 3rd year by
tetiba berak di pagi hari..
aku dah le dah siap pakai baju
then she refused to be taken to toilet
menangis guling-guling
nasib la aku ni udah acquire skill2 yang perlu
berjaya jua akhirnya,wpun baju aisyah dah basah
better than baju aku yg basah, dah le ku ada big meeting to attend later
Today only had small celebration at the nursery
last nite we'r out hunting for instant birthday cake and party packs. tried not to put too much junk food in it. i almost bought small hard-papered picture book wic costs only$1 each that teaches the opposites, birds,clothes..
nasib tak beli sebab turn put my plastic bag was quite small. ku ingat ala2 paper beg yg ada lipat kat bawah tu kan, sekali alaa kecit je..
so hasilnya in the party pack i put:
- milo kotak kecit2
- snek udang mi-mi (my all time feveret!but stil junk food kan hehe)
- jellystick - i tot i'l be less messy for kids to eat from stick rather than bekas 'sumi' tu, (but turn out tak sedap!!!)
- belon and party mask
- otomen figurine - at first wanted to get the small car/truck but then aisyah decide the otomen.
when out from giant its already 10pm
huhuuu mana nk cari kedai kek ni.. rupanya hb planned to get kek giant yg ada gambaq katun disney princes/otromen. but turn out its only display sample and order will take 2 week. ayooo
luckily ada King's stil open and happen to have instant sugar sheet, so just tepek je atas plain kek (udah siap icing sumer. wallaaa selamatt...
cumanya, not many choice, only ada ben10, bumblebee (who?) tom&jerry and rabbit kelabu tu apa nama dia eh?
presenting the cake
abak yg gigih membege party pack with so much 'help' from the birthday girl
tokmama plan another celebration with the family this coming friday night
btw, i belum beli her present yet, dunno what to get. but abak wanted to give her beskal. kira aci la tu kan - i could always signed 'from mummy & abak' hehe
happy bday aisyah!
may u grow as a fine young lady, just like mummy dearest :)
happy 3rd Birthday ecah!!!...
happy besday ecah!!
nanti boleh kita berjemaah besday farty dgn Muiz & Q! :D
che ta,
aku tak pi reunion. aku balik kelantan on that day. huhuhu..
kalau hang pi, kirim salam pada semua.
oh, happy birthday ecah!! may Allah bless u in anyway :)
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