when my pregnancy cecah minggu ke 34 gitu i started to had contraction. not a painful one, just the tightening in the ab. whic i think not so alarming so i just ignore it. lg pun tak sakit kan, and its still early for labor.
but at 35w, once i had this pain kat belakang hip, so went to see my gynae. upon checking she said i already dilated 2cm. if i deliver now my baby wud be in danger sebab her clinic takdak facilities to prepare premie, so she referred me to SMC. went to SMC but no progress so awarded with a week mc complete with instruction to makan-tido baring je (yuhuuuu!!)
2 days afterward i feel the tightening with slight pain, went for checkup at SMC but noting, the machince record no contraction at all but since baby's heartbeat dropped twice i was kept for monitoring. alhamdulillah aliya picked up her beat again and i was out in 2 days. dr told me that if i were to deliver after deepavali it should be okay, nevertheless i was shot with that ubat for strengthening baby's lungs. pardon my english writing, just need a brush-up after 2 months breaks hehe
since then i spent most time at home, enjoying my MCs.
a regular checkup then again caught me - i was 4cm dilated, and yet its stil no contraction, no pain, no show watsoever. dr was contemplating wheter to had me deliver or to wait, as i will only reach my 37w in 2 days. they had me warded but no progress so im out again the next day, with condition i wud have to come to daily check.
when i went the morning after, i was 4.5-5cm so my gynae decided to gave in. i went home to prepare things and came back at 5pm. i was quite nervous u see.. ye lah dah tau nk beranak ni, rasa cam nak pi amik exam.over pulak kalau aku kata cam nk pi perang, sebab aku tak penah pi perang so tatau la nk bandingkan cemana. dalam perjalanan tu sempat lagi bergaduh dgn en ana hehe aku tak ingat bergaduh pasaipa tapi aku ingat dia ckp tak sedar diri nk pi beranak lg mau melawan somi! hehe
cuak gak but still we'r not in talking mood until i went into labor room. tp aku minum gak ler teh tarik yg dia belikan - dalam tak bercakap tu dia ingat gak aku mention nk minum teh tarik.. sayang gak kat bini dia ni eh
masuk labor room around 6.50, dr broke my waterbag, put the iv and all..ingatkan sempat la ku tido barang seround 2, sebab ikut pengalaman pertama it'l take about 2-3hrs. my mother-inlaw siap pegi makan dulu. hb lak sebok main game je. in 20mins ku stat feel the intense pain, i remember asking hubby what the time was at 7.30. then everything become kelamkabut and confusing, atleast to me laa.. i feel the baby coming tp sakitnya cuma kat 'toooooot' kat perut, pinggang takde la rasa sgt
this time i just rely on painkillers inside the iv, i didnt ask for more. tak ssempat nk minta ponn. its already time to push, tp sebab sakit sgt ku tak dpt concentrate to push, sebok mau jerit aaaaarghhhh eiiiiiii aaaaaaauuuu by third time aku taktahan dah, plus ku takmo kena vakum lagi so ku collect all my energy, and dgn lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. lahirla Nur'Aliya Farhana at 7.42. fuhhh thats the longest 12 minutes of my life.
she opened her eyes straightaway!! excitednyaa hakuuu.. terus diqamatkan oleh abaknya and straightaway put in oxygen box - in case

sian dia lapar sgt kot abe di nyonyot tiub pestik tu,,
dah cantik dah anak mummy.. kiss kiss
fuuh..delivery yg sangat cepat!!..dlm sejam jek....well done che ta!!congrats...
before warded aku baca yaasin byk2
ngeri bebb!!
right inside labor i dryly said saorry to hubby hehe
i can imagine the situation...
but alhamdulillah, finally selamat sumernyer.
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