today im back to the office after the raya break.
raya was busy, and tiring. nevertheless it was fun, eventho i had limited time to spend wif my family side - sebab tahun ni turn hubby.
first day raya was lonely spent on s.alam. i didnt go for solat raya sebab hubby tak kasi bawa aisyah. actual plan nk balik utara right after solat but then the guuys belasah tido sampai ke ptg. ye la dah the night before dah beraya tak hengat, pukul 4 pg baru ingat nk balik rumah. so utk menyelamatkan keadaan my inlaws decide to go back early next morning.we make a pit stop at my bil's house at penang, then proceed to aloq setaq.
eventho most of his family reside kat aloq setaq juga, we spent most of the time visiting his family je, takkan nk ajak segala rakyat jelata tu pi buat rombongan ke rumah sedara aku pulakk
cuma bila mlm we went back to my parents to sleep.
onnly on the 4th raya baru betul2 duduk rumah dgn my parents. makngah pulak tak sihat so she didnt come to our place as usual.
esoknya (ahad) dah nk kena balik kl. mmg tak sempat nk jln beraya la
aisyah seronok la jumpa all her makciks <- daddy's cousin sumer kecik2 lagi so ramai la maksu, makcik, pakcik.. sampai dia pun konpius gambar raya aku cuma 3 keping je hehe, tah la.. cam takdak nafsu nk tangkap gambar
hikhikhik...comeinyer kakak ecah nie... semoga menjadik anak yg solehah, aunty doakan...ecewah! ekekek
hehehe. cutenye berkebaya... siap bertudung bagai... beb, kami pon xde raya pixs... :p
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