one thing i regret much was i didnt even laid my eyes on the famous Mt Kinabaluu!!!!
its not the same kan takat tgk gambar.. im not really a fan tp bila dah smpai sana..tahla, i really feel like i wanted to see her. not my luck la kot, i thot i can catch a glnace fr the plane ride but the sky was covered in white cloud, only manage to see some blue ocean..
fr the hotel pun tak nmpk (or i forgot to look for her then hihi)
when we went to my uncle's place in Tuaran its already dark and misty..
takpe,, really feel like coming back. really soon
on the way to Tuaran.. pakcik aku drive selo giler haha.. dlm 60km/j je kot.rasa cam nk take over je. Siap bw kitorang pusing2 dlm UMS
singgah makan Lokan bakar sama kelapa bakar n puding kelapa . Aisyah tido tak hengatt
mummy ygteringin nk terojun sama hihi
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