ok this is my new office.. the outside looks so ... dimmed. ntah la macam tak ceria je. and i noticed the walls are empty. gambar menteri pun tarak!
but like the hiway.. no jem. driver's haven.120kmph breeze..not like - the toll. mak aiii more less $12 perday
woohoo..oo..ko nye opis yg satu bilik share 2 orang ek??..aku pon sama..tapi next week sudah kena pindah masuk bilik sengsorang..alamat..senang le aku nak tidoo and berbetik..ker takde masa sebab keja dah banyak??..hmmm...
oit... best le opis baru... tp i bet tang nk kenal2 org tu yg boring sket kan? aku ni dh le jns berat mulut, i dread having 2 introduce myself 2 anyone, or even being introduced 2 others or having someone introduced 2 me... ikikiki... teruk btul...
wahhh.. cantiknya opiss..
uih besnye baiti.. privecy la skiti dok sensorang.. i wish at new ofis nanti dpt bilik sorg gak. new ofis kat kl tu le..
mummy, me too berat mulut nk intoduce myself. so far derang intoduced me to few people only, aku pun wat tatau je..cuma bila jumpa sesapa hatta tak kenal pun senyum je laaa..
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