Wednesday, April 29, 2009
just updates of my two litle people
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
i was thinking about some serious thing to say here last nite
but as usual, when i finally manage to slipped into here.. everything gone with the wind.. i do not kentut.
watever pon, i'l try to crack something later.
now got work-related thing to do la peep!
talk about priority
boss alwaaaayyysss come first..
yeah right!!
*tarik napassss...
tenang.. tenanggg..
(percubaan mengkuduskan diri dan menjujurkan diri)
kerja itu kan satu ibadahh..
but as usual, when i finally manage to slipped into here.. everything gone with the wind.. i do not kentut.
watever pon, i'l try to crack something later.
now got work-related thing to do la peep!
talk about priority
boss alwaaaayyysss come first..
yeah right!!
*tarik napassss...
tenang.. tenanggg..
(percubaan mengkuduskan diri dan menjujurkan diri)
kerja itu kan satu ibadahh..
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Angen tarak baik laaa..
aku tatau org lain (and i dont care okayy) tp aku rasa 'letih' bila org tak paham apa aku nk ckp
masalahnya , aku rasa ler.. manusia2 ni kan mmg ada masalah untuk 'menerima' sesuatu statement tanpa prejudis. pastu suka2 nak assume.
contohnya kalau aku tanya 'weh, aku dgn budak pompuan tu sapa lagi lawa?'
itu tidakbermakna aku nk suruh kau ckp aku yg lawaa
tidak juga bermaksud aku perasan aku lawa,
atau aku dengki kat budak tu lagi lawa dari akuu
tak boleh ke kalau kita mencuba menjadi manusia yg objective
bgtau je fakta sebenar - cth dlm konteks ini :sapa yg lebih lawa?
susah sgt ke? ngaku je la. ckp je apa kau rasa, kalau kau rasa 2 2 tak lawa, ckp le terus terang
perlu ke pikir sampai ke bulan kenapa aku sampai ati nk tanya soklan gitu?
ye.. ada masa kita kena berfikir luar kotak, but tgk keadaan la wehh
time org suruh keluar, tanak pulak
time tak perlu sebokkkkk nk fikir lebih2.
lgi satu
aku cukup tak suka bila org minta tolong
then marah2, kecik ati, putus sedara la bila org taknak tolong
dah nama pun 'minta' kan
sukati ler org nk 'beri' ke tak
pehal nk demand2 pulak
tu dah bukan minta namanya, dah jadi paksa tolong la pulak
please laa
kalau org tak agree, just accept it and move on
dlm ertikata lain, cari org lain! - or jalan lain
masalahnya , aku rasa ler.. manusia2 ni kan mmg ada masalah untuk 'menerima' sesuatu statement tanpa prejudis. pastu suka2 nak assume.
contohnya kalau aku tanya 'weh, aku dgn budak pompuan tu sapa lagi lawa?'
itu tidakbermakna aku nk suruh kau ckp aku yg lawaa
tidak juga bermaksud aku perasan aku lawa,
atau aku dengki kat budak tu lagi lawa dari akuu
tak boleh ke kalau kita mencuba menjadi manusia yg objective
bgtau je fakta sebenar - cth dlm konteks ini :sapa yg lebih lawa?
susah sgt ke? ngaku je la. ckp je apa kau rasa, kalau kau rasa 2 2 tak lawa, ckp le terus terang
perlu ke pikir sampai ke bulan kenapa aku sampai ati nk tanya soklan gitu?
ye.. ada masa kita kena berfikir luar kotak, but tgk keadaan la wehh
time org suruh keluar, tanak pulak
time tak perlu sebokkkkk nk fikir lebih2.
lgi satu
aku cukup tak suka bila org minta tolong
then marah2, kecik ati, putus sedara la bila org taknak tolong
dah nama pun 'minta' kan
sukati ler org nk 'beri' ke tak
pehal nk demand2 pulak
tu dah bukan minta namanya, dah jadi paksa tolong la pulak
please laa
kalau org tak agree, just accept it and move on
dlm ertikata lain, cari org lain! - or jalan lain
fast n (not) furious
dua tiga menjak kucing berlari ni aku ada masalah hormon imbalance
agaknye lah
sebab ku takde hormon testerometer to confirm that
so just shut up and believe what i said
aku dun feel good
pms kah?
cepatla period oiiiiii
dah la cuak ni
nk dtg, dtg la cepatt,
ni tak, bg hint sikit2 pastu haremmmm
tensen wehhhhh!
baru nk seronok2, adaa jee badai2 yg dtg melanda
walaupun sipi2 atau sepoi3 bahasa je, still it put me off
paling ku tak suka (read: bencik gilerrr!!!!) bila org tuduh aku tipu. apa barang??? dah kau tu tak paham bahse. aku tak penah question apa kau buat so jgn nk pester2 aku okeh!! then ada hati lak tu nk ckp aku tipu la apa laa..
next, aku benci org yg tahapa2
nasib baik aku tak kenal kau, and kau pun tak kenal aku kan
so get off my way! tayah nk kutuk2, nk rate aku pulak
ngko takde saham pun dgn aku
aku pun takde utang kau
lenkali bg salam dulu.
apapun, glad i had good lunch yesterday. tenkiu fren! truly a mood saver.
agaknye lah
sebab ku takde hormon testerometer to confirm that
so just shut up and believe what i said
aku dun feel good
pms kah?
cepatla period oiiiiii
dah la cuak ni
nk dtg, dtg la cepatt,
ni tak, bg hint sikit2 pastu haremmmm
tensen wehhhhh!
baru nk seronok2, adaa jee badai2 yg dtg melanda
walaupun sipi2 atau sepoi3 bahasa je, still it put me off
paling ku tak suka (read: bencik gilerrr!!!!) bila org tuduh aku tipu. apa barang??? dah kau tu tak paham bahse. aku tak penah question apa kau buat so jgn nk pester2 aku okeh!! then ada hati lak tu nk ckp aku tipu la apa laa..
next, aku benci org yg tahapa2
nasib baik aku tak kenal kau, and kau pun tak kenal aku kan
so get off my way! tayah nk kutuk2, nk rate aku pulak
ngko takde saham pun dgn aku
aku pun takde utang kau
lenkali bg salam dulu.
apapun, glad i had good lunch yesterday. tenkiu fren! truly a mood saver.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
bebelan sang ibu di pagi hari
pg2 tadi bebudak 2 org wat drama
adik dok hokhek2 nenen sambil main tarik2 n pusing2 badan
mami pulak dok mamai - dgn mimpi mandikan gajah kat kuala gandah la, pi spital tgk baby la tahapa2 ku mimpi
tetiba aliya tergolek jatuh katilnasibbbbbbb sgt kat tepi dia ku letak playpen,so aliya tersangkut kat the mesh, it kind of slowed her downmaybe terhantuk sikit kat katil, i m not sure, tak dengaq bunyi terhantuk la pulak
ke aku yg mamai tak dengar tp aliya nangis sikit je la, so ku assume tak sakit la kot
en@na come rushing, pastu mcm nk marah2 sebab ku letak adik kat tepi
dah 4 org atas katil, and me had to squeeze and sandwiched between the two kids
ku tak harap nk letak aliya/aisyah side by side, aisyah tu lasak benor tidonya
tgh kalut2 tu.. si aisyah pulak meraung tak pasal2
we parent went like 'hang pasaipa?? org dok kalut tgk adik dia pun samaaaa nk the limelight
or so i tot
rupanya suar dia sudah basah
she wet her pants, and the bed - cawan air dia dah tumpah
tu laa nk tido kena ngongoi cawan la... memcm
nasib air kosong je
she tot she wet the bed, so after coming out fr toilet, she bebel2 to herself -'haa tu la org kata jgn minum ayaq byk, dah basah dah, kencing byk! esok jgn minum byk tau, nanti mami taknak buat susu pi sekolah bl bla bla'
by then its alreadi 6am. adik is wide awake
me getting ready to work, si aisyah sebok nk mengekor la pulakkkk eiiiiiii!!!! org nk shee shee, nak mandi pun tak senang laaa!!!
aaliya pulak hokhek2 taknak dok sensorang
si abak dah help tukarkan baju aisyah, but upon seeing what he put her on, aku bengang
sebab baju tu aku purposely letak kat luar utk pakai kat sekolah hari ni
now aku terpaksa go thru the closet again to find her new clothes grgrgrgrgr
i hate packing her clothes, sebab aku susah nk decide what baju to packkena pikir the weather camna, ujan ke tak, if ujan kena put baju tebal skit or long sleeveor pack a dress, then i doubt, wat if dia tido terkangkang terselak nmpk paha and the boys looked at her?
pack her pants, then kena selongkar cari shirt #%^$&%&*%^ wth are the shirts??? tak lipat lg ke? ke tak basuh lagi?
mula la nk angin $&^^*&*^*$563425 akak sorg je tukang lipat kain kat rumah ni, akak sorang je la tukang packing #$%^%&^($%$@#$!% dah lipat cantik2 pon.. akakkkkkk jugak le kena put everything dlm raga.. org lain tak reti.
aarghhhhh!!!kalau lambat ke letih cemana pun ahkaaaakkkkkk jugak kena buat
org lain tu tak reti2 ke nk tolong
kalau tak belajar bilanya nk reti.
kalau mami tak pack susu adik, nasib la kau liyaa. minum susu lembu je laa..
and tonite me is very sleeping in next room
sapa nk ikut.. silaa
adik dok hokhek2 nenen sambil main tarik2 n pusing2 badan
mami pulak dok mamai - dgn mimpi mandikan gajah kat kuala gandah la, pi spital tgk baby la tahapa2 ku mimpi
tetiba aliya tergolek jatuh katilnasibbbbbbb sgt kat tepi dia ku letak playpen,so aliya tersangkut kat the mesh, it kind of slowed her downmaybe terhantuk sikit kat katil, i m not sure, tak dengaq bunyi terhantuk la pulak
ke aku yg mamai tak dengar tp aliya nangis sikit je la, so ku assume tak sakit la kot
en@na come rushing, pastu mcm nk marah2 sebab ku letak adik kat tepi
dah 4 org atas katil, and me had to squeeze and sandwiched between the two kids
ku tak harap nk letak aliya/aisyah side by side, aisyah tu lasak benor tidonya
tgh kalut2 tu.. si aisyah pulak meraung tak pasal2
we parent went like 'hang pasaipa?? org dok kalut tgk adik dia pun samaaaa nk the limelight
or so i tot
rupanya suar dia sudah basah
she wet her pants, and the bed - cawan air dia dah tumpah
tu laa nk tido kena ngongoi cawan la... memcm
nasib air kosong je
she tot she wet the bed, so after coming out fr toilet, she bebel2 to herself -'haa tu la org kata jgn minum ayaq byk, dah basah dah, kencing byk! esok jgn minum byk tau, nanti mami taknak buat susu pi sekolah bl bla bla'
by then its alreadi 6am. adik is wide awake
me getting ready to work, si aisyah sebok nk mengekor la pulakkkk eiiiiiii!!!! org nk shee shee, nak mandi pun tak senang laaa!!!
aaliya pulak hokhek2 taknak dok sensorang
si abak dah help tukarkan baju aisyah, but upon seeing what he put her on, aku bengang
sebab baju tu aku purposely letak kat luar utk pakai kat sekolah hari ni
now aku terpaksa go thru the closet again to find her new clothes grgrgrgrgr
i hate packing her clothes, sebab aku susah nk decide what baju to packkena pikir the weather camna, ujan ke tak, if ujan kena put baju tebal skit or long sleeveor pack a dress, then i doubt, wat if dia tido terkangkang terselak nmpk paha and the boys looked at her?
pack her pants, then kena selongkar cari shirt #%^$&%&*%^ wth are the shirts??? tak lipat lg ke? ke tak basuh lagi?
mula la nk angin $&^^*&*^*$563425 akak sorg je tukang lipat kain kat rumah ni, akak sorang je la tukang packing #$%^%&^($%$@#$!% dah lipat cantik2 pon.. akakkkkkk jugak le kena put everything dlm raga.. org lain tak reti.
aarghhhhh!!!kalau lambat ke letih cemana pun ahkaaaakkkkkk jugak kena buat
org lain tu tak reti2 ke nk tolong
kalau tak belajar bilanya nk reti.
kalau mami tak pack susu adik, nasib la kau liyaa. minum susu lembu je laa..
and tonite me is very sleeping in next room
sapa nk ikut.. silaa
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Before I was a Mom
Before I was a Mum
I made and ate hot meals.
I had unstained clothing.
I had quiet conversations on the phone.
Before I was a Mum,
I slept as late as I wanted
And never worried about how late I got into bed.
I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.
Before I was a Mum
I cleaned my house each day.
I never tripped over toys or forgot words of lullabies.
Before I was a Mum
I didnt worry whether or not my plantswere poisonous.
I never thought of immunizations
Before I was a Mum
I had never been puked on
Pooped on
Spit on
Chewed on
Peed on
Or pinched by tiny fingers
Before I was a Mum
I had complete control of
My Thoughts
My Body
And my mind.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mum
I never held down a screaming child so
that doctors could do tests
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mum
I never held a sleeping baby just
because I didnt want to put it down.
I never felt my heart break into a
million pieces when I couldnt stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone
so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mum.
Before I was a Mum
I didnt know the feeling of having my
heart outside my body.
I made and ate hot meals.
I had unstained clothing.
I had quiet conversations on the phone.
Before I was a Mum,
I slept as late as I wanted
And never worried about how late I got into bed.
I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.
Before I was a Mum
I cleaned my house each day.
I never tripped over toys or forgot words of lullabies.
Before I was a Mum
I didnt worry whether or not my plantswere poisonous.
I never thought of immunizations
Before I was a Mum
I had never been puked on
Pooped on
Spit on
Chewed on
Peed on
Or pinched by tiny fingers
Before I was a Mum
I had complete control of
My Thoughts
My Body
And my mind.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mum
I never held down a screaming child so
that doctors could do tests
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mum
I never held a sleeping baby just
because I didnt want to put it down.
I never felt my heart break into a
million pieces when I couldnt stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone
so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mum.
Before I was a Mum
I didnt know the feeling of having my
heart outside my body.
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