sunday 6 july 2008
hubby having futsal tournament iwth his colleague, so i took the opportunity to have a girls day out with Aisyah. we went to klcc to catch a movie, mostly because she's been saying nk tgk wayangg.. for days.
of course i can only took my chance with kungfu panda, eventho i dun really fancy that kungfu kartun..tah la..but since many claim its good we are.
get to klcc quite early, im hoping to get the ticket in ease since it weekend beb..sure ramai manusia nk tgk wayang. but got distracted all the wayy huhu
aisyah will drag me to EVERY toy car she saw!!!

at first it's thomas merry go round, i was lucky since the maintenance boy treat us with free ride hihi
then she wanted to try ALLL other rides as well. to keep her quiet i just put her down for a while, actuall reason was im out of coins.
i was soo desperate to shee shee by then but aisyah wanted to go inside toyrus pulakk
jenuh ku pujuk her to come with me to the toilet
by the time we reached tgv, the line was already snaking around.. hmmm
no choice but to get into the line.. with aisyah. luckily she wasnt the wandering type, but standing quietly next to me all the way to the ticket counter. once a while she will ask me to dokong her..yeah she must be tired berdiri lama2
finally got the ticket 15mint befor the show start, fhewww what a good timing
by this time aisyah already complaining her feet ache, she got blister from wearing the new mock bata crock we bought her the day before.. huhu jenuh laa aku kena dukungggg
in the theatre she behave like a 2yr old should behave.. poking around, sekejap nk sit alone, then nk sit on me, jap nk susu, jap nk baring. once she got her feet stuck between the seat, adoilaaaaa cuak gak aku bila dah puas tarik but kaki dia takmo kuar hnshshh hnssshh nasib dia tak meraung dlm tu!
halfway thru the movie she ask for milk, nasib le ada saki baki lagi, dah la i dint bring water. elok teguk susu dia pun zzz... aleleee.. aku pulak sayang nk kuar..alang2 dah byr tiket tu layan je laa hehe
after that we went looking for her new shoes, but since kaki dah sakit all the shoes make her feet ache.last2 i had to buy her socks.nasib baik she's getting better, siap buleh lari2 lagi

we had lunch at chillis..purposely because she can cool down and the coloring tools will kept her busy.
by 3, im all tired, no mood to shop anymore hehe..sampai terlupa actually my aim was to checkout mothercare's sale.
we went to pick up hubby then head straight home. sampai rumah everybody was damn tired and zzz...except for aisyah.. and of course she wont let me sleeppp..must teman her with her business hehe
sabar je laaaa
hubby tak sedar habaq dah.. padahal dia bukan main pun hehe